Programme préliminaire – 20-21 juin 2022
Une occasion unique d'établir des liens avec l'élite du marché canadien des dérivés. Prenez connaissance des faits saillants entourant les dérivés sur actions, les dérivés sur taux d'intérêt ainsi que sur la technologie, la réglementation et la compensation.
Note : Tous les séminaires se déroulent en anglais.
Mot de bienvenue
Economic Update
For the first time in more than a decade, interest rates are on the rise. What will be the implications of inflation, their effects, pressures and consequences in the Canadian context? Will rates and inflation settle or persist? What is the outlook for the economy and the markets? To help us navigate these uncertain but no less dynamic financial times, we are delighted to have among us a much sought-after economist, one of the brightest minds, to share fresh insights and analyses.
As financial systems move away from submission-based rates to adopt risk-free rates, the Canadian financial system, as well, is transitioning from the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (CDOR) to the Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA). Critically important, this committee-led initiative by the Canadian Alternative Reference Rate Working Group (CARR) includes senior leadership from the Bank of Canada, including panel moderator, Harri Vikstedt. Joining the panel are other key representatives collaborating to build out the roadmap as we work towards upcoming key dates.
Secured financing in Canada: Industry Views on Repo Market Functioning
What issues are affecting the current functioning of the repo market? What emerging structural changes are influencing repo markets and repo as a line of business? Can the capital and netting efficiencies available through repo central clearing be enhanced, and if so, how? The panel will look at how CDCC, Canada’s central clearing platform for repo, can continue to evolve, by broadening the buy-side participation through a sponsored model and/or by introducing innovative new trading products to deliver efficiencies and liquidity.
The Growth of Volatility as an Asset Class
DeFi: the Finance of Tomorrow
Beyond the speculative mania in Bitcoin and its crypto peers, the underlying blockchain technologies promise to revolutionize the financial industry as we know it. Join us and Dr. Alfred Lehar, PhD, Associate Professor of Finance at the Haskayne School of Business as we discuss cryptocurrencies, central bank digital currencies, blockchain-based exchanges and other emerging trends in the fast-moving financial technology sector. Dr. Lehar will also touch on the proposal he and his team developed for the Bank of Canada, demonstrating what a digital currency ecosystem could look like here in the Great White North.
Cocktail et soirée

Morning Briefing: Trends in Derivatives
Latest Trends in the Cryptocurrency Space
Join us as our guest crypto experts discuss the future of crypto and its potential influence on traditional markets and explore the role of listed derivatives in this nascent asset class.
Conférencier vedette

Opportunities in the Canadian Interest Rate Markets
After years of a low and stable rate environment, the shape of global yield curves has changed drastically and a period of higher volatility is expected as we start moving into the rate hike cycle. Topics such as reduction of quantitative easing, rising inflation, geopolitical risks and yield curve inversions are now making the headlines. In light of this, industry experts from the fixed-income space will discuss current trends and opportunities in the Canadian interest rates markets.
Déjeuner / Présentation

Developments & Trends in Central Clearing and Market Infrastructure
As markets continue to evolve at a rapid pace, robust central clearing solutions have never been more critical to creating efficiencies and mitigating risk. The panel will discuss the benefits of central clearing, the potential to optimize the current CCP margin models, and trends in CCP structure. They will also delve into current market structure trends and how they are impacting key stakeholders such as exchanges and CCPs, as well as intermediaries.
Buy Canada, a New Regime
Trends in Technology, Front to Back and Beyond
Join our diverse panel of representatives from both Exchange and third-party vendors in a conversation on various topics, including what technical innovations they are prioritizing for their clients in 2022, what technology delivery challenges they are facing in the post-pandemic world, and where they see Tech in their organization in the future.
Fin de la conférence
Commandite de la réception
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Commandite du déjeuner-causerie
Commandite du cadeau aux participants
Commandite de lanières
Commandite de l'internet sans fil

Commandite de cartes-clé
Commandite du petit-déjeuner
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Commandite de sac de grignotines
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Commandite de pauses
Commandite de bloc-notes session générale
Commandite de stylos session générale
Commandites d'exposants

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Commandite de cartons d'eau écoresponsables
Commandite générale pour les chambres

Commandite de sac fourre-tout
Fairmont Le Reine Elizabeth
En hommage à sa ville natale, Fairmont Le Reine Elizabeth offre un design entièrement repensé, mariant décor contemporain et élégants rappels aux années d'or de la métropole.
Fairmont Le Reine Elizabeth
900 boul. René-Lévesque Ouest
Montréal (Québec)
H3B 4A5
Salle Place du Canada, Niveau Convention